Why Your Offers Should Be About You Not Your Clients


Hey, Hey, well, I am super excited for this week's solo episode because I get to talk about something that I find fascinating. That's one of my favorite things to work on with clients. And so today I want to chat to you about your offers I'm curious when you started your business, did you take, you can look at your marketable skills. What are you good at that you can sell to people? Very often. That's where we start from. We think I'm really good at X. So I'm going to sell that. Okay. What does that look like? Does that make me a graphic designer? Who designs websites? Does it make me a. Project manager who shows up as an OBM, we're looking at what are those skills that we have and what kind of online job in inverted commas that fits into . And that's all well and good, but what sometimes happens there is we'll looking at things that we're good at instead of things that we all pumped up and excited. To do every single day for the rest of our lives. So initially you're in that kind of thrill of like, Whoa, I've replaced my corporate salary or I'm paying my bills or I've retrieved X result because I'm running this business. so everything is super exciting. And what happens is, as we continue to do this thing, that doesn't lie to us up, even though it's an incredibly successful business for us, we start to realize. That we're in a business that we don't really enjoy. And you have really a couple of options at that point in time, number one, you pivot, and you pivot hard. You'll see this happen with people. They have this amazing business that you're looking at, and you're like, Whoa, I'd love to have this business. And suddenly they come back and they're like, and now I'm doing this thing. And you're like, what happened between me? Usually what's happened between there is the thing that they were super successful at is no longer lighting them up. Your other option, I guess, at that point is to sell it. If your business is sellable, if you can take yourself out of it, completely put someone else in to run it. Most commonly what happens is because it's successful. We feel like we need to keep doing this thing that we're really good at. And that's when burnout starts to creep in. Easiest test for this. And I want you to think about your office that you have right now. And I want you to ask yourself if I paid you so whatever your annual revenue is, I'm going to pay you your annual revenue. And all I want you to do is that offer for me as your job now, for people who are doing something that they're passionate about, that normally sounds magical because you get to do the thing that we as entrepreneurs love to do. The delivery, you get to let go of the admin, the sales, the marketing, and you get to just do the thing. If that sounds awful to you, chances are you're doing something that you're highly skilled at that isn't something that you love. And so I want you to take a look at your offers from that perspective, because what happens from when people start looking at target markets, they go, okay, I want to work with, just ideal clients and they make up the ideal client avatar who needs this thing. And where do I find those people? That's my target market Last week, we talked about only working with people you love. So I'm saying, okay, if you work with people you love, let's make sure that the offer is something that you love as well. So that if you're using that as your target market, you can serve them continuously. I see. Add a third layer to it, and this is the layer that I fit here. Very few people talking about, and that is your delivery method. The third piece that has to come in there is how you like to deliver that result. So you can have clients you love, you can have a result that you love. You can go into your target market and sell an offer and still not get the best results that you could for people. So not only do you have to love the actual result that you deliver. You have to love how you deliver it. We have this natural progression where we believe that people need to go, I'm doing the thing I've done for your, or like one-to-one. And then I need to do groups. I can get good at group, and then I need to take all those questions and I go ask in group, and then that becomes a membership or a course, and we get progressively further and further away from people. If you are someone who thrives on people. Who is being the center of attention being one-to-one might work for you. It's going to be okay, but being in front of a group is going to be magical. So you deciding to do a course is going to take away from you. You're going to shop and feel bored, recording videos on your own and the thing is, is when You are not feeling your best when you are not feeling excited. You're also not serving your best. So we're going to go deeper. And we're going to look at clients you love, who need the result that you love to deliver. And who loved the way you deliver it. Your offer should be coming from a place of you first, because that is the way that you show up at your best, which is the best thing for your clients. So knowing the thing that you love to deliver, knowing how you love to deliver it, AKA, knowing your offer first, and then finding the people who want it. It's going to be much more effective for you long-term and your business. It is going to make sure that you don't wake up one day being, I need to pivot my whole business, or I am completely burnt out. I am going to destroy everything. Take my website down and run. I want you to know that I speak from experience. I have done both of those things. I've done it in my corporate job. I have done burnout and walk away. I have done the rip, my whole website down overnight because I couldn't bear to offer that, that service one more time. I want you to step back today and I want you to look at your signature offer, . And I want you to ask yourself if, but he offered to pay you your revenue number. So you weren't financially changed. If everything else was equal and I offered to pay you to just come and deliver that thing, I took everything else away from you. Would that feel like a job you would be taking? If the answer isn't yes. I want you to think long and hard about the actual transformation that you're offering. Then secondly, I want you to look at how you're offering that transformation, I want you to ask yourself if that's really the right model for you.

If your offers are not designed around you, you’re headed for a big pivot or big burnout. Get ready to reset them.

Key Takeaway

When you show up at your best, your clients benefit so making your offer about you ultimately serves them better.

In This Episode

  • Why skills based offers won’t work long term
  • How to build an offer that sustains you and serves your clients
  • How to know if you current offers need tweaking (or changing altogether)

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