Get It Done In 2021 – Part 7
4 Successful CEOs share their top tip for 2021 in this 10 part series. Hear from Laura Belgray, Ruth Kudzi, Tracy Stanger, and Maggie Patterson in the seventh episode of the series.
Before you start listening to all the tips and tricks and strategies and overwhelm kicks in, work out where your business needs some attention in 2021.
Just answer a couple of questions and get an instant report and then pick and choose the tips and strategies to implement based on your unique business and goals
Who knows what's going to happen with these other platforms with Facebook that could go to holy hell, Instagram, Twitter, any of that, that is rented land. Your email list is your goal. That is the one thing that you own, and people are going to continue looking at their emails. I guarantee it. So put your efforts there and double up your frequency.
When I switched from writing. Once a week to three times a week and that's triple, but I doubled the income that I was making from those emails, from the products that I was selling in those emails. And in general, more than doubled multiplied my revenue for the year because my email game was so strong.
For me, that's really amplifying all of the work that I'm doing on my coach training and making that the focus for my business in the short term. That means that all of my activity is around becoming known as the go-to coach trainer. And then that builds every other area of my business.
So what I would say to you for 2021, think of the one thing, think of your mastery goal and what you want to be known for, and then look at the steps that you can take to accomplish that and become that person it's about. Really focusing down so you can get the results that you want.
So you could not do those four tasks and still get just about the same results. For example, if you use five different social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest, and LinkedIn. You're probably getting 80% of your community leads and sales from only one of them. And that one probably takes the least of your effort because it's more fun for you or just you're better at it.
So my tip is to keep an eye out for those 80% tasks, the ones that are super easy for you feel great and get you 80% of your results. So you can skip doing the four out of five tasks that are only getting you 20% of your results. You'll see as much or more progress while only spending 20% as much time and energy.
We talk about this in certain ways in the online business world, as coaches, as consultants, as creatives. And I really think we overlook a big part of the puzzle because trust has shifted so much in the last couple of years. It is in short supply. Marketing studies really show that customers have higher expectations for brands and they've lower levels of trust. So if we can create trust with our clients or potential clients, we are really creating a competitive advantage.
So for a really quick way to do that, number one is leading with the truth. So leading with your authority and values, having people know where your stand and really standing in what your expertise is, and staying in your own lane next up is transparency. What you see is what you're going to get. You're not manufacturing stories. You're really focusing on creating true transparency with your audience. So they know what you are all about.
Also treat people with fairness and dignity. So many times in online business, we try to game-ify things or there's trickery that goes on and we don't want to be doing that. We want to create true trust with our potential clients.
And finally results. Do what you say you're going to do. Own those results and be clear about what you can and cannot do for your customers and clients.
When you focus on building trust, you are going to stand out. I really believe we underestimate the power of trust and how it is in such short supply. So by using trust, it doesn't cost you much. And it'll take you that much further with your sales and marketing.
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