How To Find Clients You’ll Love Working With


Hey, Hey. So in last week's episode, number 41, I was talking about needing to leverage your energy at plug your energy leaks in order to be able to grow your business in a way that you want to do it, and to be able to do it faster. And one of those areas where I see both new businesses and established businesses really allow a huge energy drains to come into their space is through their clients. Now that might be that you have clients who don't respect your boundaries, who are asking you for things on unreasonable deadlines, who are interrupting your time off, who don't pay on time. And you have to constantly chase them who maybe show up every week and they haven't done the work, or they just never deliver what they promise on a deadline. Whatever it is about them. It's just that little feeling of dread that you feel when you see their name, come up on your phone or in your inbox. When you're preparing to have a call with them, all of that is taking energy away from you. So it's not only the energy of having to deal with all of the demands or the extra time spent chasing them for things, but also that emotional drain that's happening. When you have to psych yourself up to have one of these conversations, when you have to prepare yourself for the call, and then afterwards, you just have to recover from the interaction that just wasn't really that much fun. so I want you to plug that leak by working with clients who light you up, who you love working with, who you are excited to speak to and here's the problem writing essays about fictional ideal client avatars is not going to help you find those clients. I get it. It's one of the ways people teach ideal client avatar when you're brand new in business, to really just help you steer your content. But I want you to stop thinking about, you know, Mary, who does politely three times a week and has two children and a husband who works a stressful nine to five or whatever it is that you've written in the past. No judgment. We have all done it. However, the key to working with clients you like is to work with people. You're like. So I want you to stop thinking about your fictional ideal client avatar. And I want you to think and state about your absolute favorite client. Could it be a past client, could be a current client if you haven't had any clients yet think about your absolute favorite coworker. And I want you to write down what it was about them that you loved. Were they super coachable? Did they have a great sense of humor? Were they always positive? Did they work their little tushies off? What was it about them that made you love spending time with them? Love working with them, excited to speak to them. I want you to describe them as a person as if they were a friend, not a set of demographics. And the more real that person is in your head, the clearer you are going to see on a sales call. If you are talking to someone who meets these requirements, if you want to work with clients who light you up, you have to make that decision. At the very beginning, you have to be committed to only letting people in who you love. Now I completely understand. There are times where, you know, money might be a bit tighter, where there are bills to pay and maybe that amazing person that you love. Isn't the person knocking on your front door. You still need to pay the bills while you begin to attract this person. You've been writing content and copy for your fictional character. And you now need to make sure that that starts to match back to these requirements. I want you to keep in mind that if you only have these clients you don't like working with and you keep letting more of them in, you are never going to have capacity for the people that you do like to work with. Remember that these clients drain you and take more time from you than clients who excite you. They are reducing your overall capacity by draining your time and your energy. So you're going to have less capacity for clients in general. Maybe you're listening to just thinking, Oh, I'm already working with some of these clients that I'm not loving. Start planning to fire them. It might not be possible right now, but if you start finding new clients that you do love to cover the bills, think about who you would fire first. Sometimes it's good to have that visual of the most draining client in your mind when you're on a sales call and asking yourself if this person is really someone that you're going to love working with, once you do start working with clients that you love, you will find that it takes less energy and less time to make as much, if not more impact. And that means it's going to create capacity by making you more effective with your time and your energy, allowing you to serve even more clients.

Working with clients you love will take less time and energy to create the same (if not more) impact. Here’s how to spot them.

Key Takeaway

The key to working with clients you love is to work with people you love

In This Episode

  • Why the wrong clients are holding you back
  • How to define your ideal client without making up someone in your head
  • What to do it your current clients are measuring up

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