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How To Use Small Steps To Make Big Moves In Your Business In 2024


TRANSCRIPT AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED [00:00:00] Hey, Hey, happy new year. Welcome to 2024. I hope that the first few days haven't been too tough. Sliding back into work mode after maybe being off over the holiday break. But if they have been, I hope today's episode helps. I wanted to let you in behind the scenes on something that I've been using towards the end of last year, but really focusing on. As we come into January and new year's resolutions start like popping up all over the place. And. That is the power. Of doing something small. Consistently, I think it's a, since he gets a bad rap, because a, a lot of us are neurodivergent and we know that it's not that easy for us to show up every single day in the same level of energy. And so people telling us to be consistent, just jaws us. But also because we talk about consistency in such a big way. Like we need to be consistent on social media. We need to post every day, we need to. Email our list constantly. We need to be producing blogs and contents and YouTube channels and everything needs to be consistent. And so. It feels like this really heavy weight. For us to be carrying along with everything else in our business. And what I've been really looking for is ways to be consistent in a small way. Right. If you think about GI and engines, There's always like some teeny tiny piece in there. That's super key to the whole thing. Functioning. And so what I've been looking for in my business and in my life is where are those small, important pieces? That I can be consistent on. So I'm looking for ways to show up in small ways on a regular basis. So what are the things that I can do that will make a difference towards my goals that won't even feel. Like that much effort for me. And I want to give you two, two minute rules that I really use in my thinking in this space. To help you, maybe you think differently about what consistency could [00:02:00] look like for you in your business. The first one is James clears. Two-minute rules. James clear is the author of atomic habits. If you haven't read it, you should immediately go and get your hands on a copy from the library from Amazon, from your local bookseller. It's the, one of the books that I read every single year. Because there's always a new nugget for me to take away. And I think when people talk about James Clair, they talk a lot about like being 1% better and that compounding impact of habits, or they talk about habit stacking, you know, pairing something that you're trying to do with something that you already do, especially something that you already do and enjoy. And those are two of the huge takeaways from his book. But I think one of the things which. We gloss over in that book, which I've really been using and really leaning into is his two-minute rule. And that two-minute rule. Is that any new habit? That you want to create should take less than two minutes. So, instead of saying, I need to read 10 pages a day of a business book. You say, I need to read one page a day. Instead of saying, I need to go to the gym. You say, I need to put on my leggings. Right. You reduce that goal to the very first step of that goal. And it sounds kind of weird, like, oh, well, I'm going to read one page. Of course, I'm not going to read one page. I'm going to keep reading. But I have been using this. Trick. This mental hack. In my business for so long. Not around the two minute rules, but I will like if I'm having a really tough day, I will say to myself, all you have to do is one Pomodora. You have to do 25 minutes of work. That's it. And then you can stop. And the deal with myself is that. Some days. All I can do is that 1 25 minute Pomodora. And then I need to have a cup of tea and a walk outside but most days. If I do that one Pomodora. I'll go for three or four or five or six of them. But the deal is that I know that if at the end of that one, Pomodora, I'm struggling. I can stop. So you kind of have that permission and in some way, I don't know, it just triggers something in your brain [00:04:00] that suddenly makes it feel doable. So I want to challenge you to think about those huge business goals that you've set. I want to make a million dollars. I want to, I don't know, write a book. All those big goals. I want you to ask yourself, what is the very first step of those? What is your two minute rule? That you can just simply show up consistently to do is your two-minute rule. That you will open up. Google docs or word or whatever. And you'll spend two minutes on your book.. If your goal is to make a million dollars. It might not be the next big idea. That gets you there. It might be the small refinement. It might be the thing that you decide to do daily in pursuit of that goal. Maybe it's simply setting your intention. When you sit down at your desk. Before the day runs away with you. So finding those small and consistent steps. That gets you to that big goal without you even noticing. That's what I'm challenging you to find. And you don't have to find all of them this week. . So for me, I'm trying to like, think about what can I add next week. Right. So I give myself a week for these like little two-minute rules to kick in. And then I think about, okay, what would next week look like? So what's something that you can spend two minutes on consistently. That overtime is going to move that needle. And then the second two-minute rule that I want to share with you. Is David Allen's two-minute roller. He wrote getting things done. The art of stress-free productivity. Again, if you haven't read it, it's highly recommended. I got to see him speak. When I was in banking, he actually came in. , did a training session for us and he was incredible. And it's probably the only training session I have any memory of in 10 years in banking. . And his two minute rule is that if it's going to take less than two minutes, you just do it. So, if it's going to take you less than two minutes to answer an email, you do it. If it's going to take you less than two minutes to put away a pair of socks, you just do it.[00:06:00] So that these little teeny, tiny tasks and things to do. Don't snowball. They don't take up a ton of mental space where every time you walk past the pair of socks, you think, oh, I should put that away. And they give you that feeling of like little quick wins. And finding those dopamine boosts for more productive things that are going to make our lives better rather than from scrolling social media. Is a win all around. And if you saw something that needed to get done. In your environment in your email, in your to-do list, you just quickly knocked it out and never thought about it again. How much mental space would that free up for you? Not procrastinating. How much stress would that reduce, not realizing that you needed to do something three seconds before the deadline. And again, Doing that consistently. So you've got two two-minute rules that with consistency. Create momentum. One is taking away the things to do. And the other is creating consistency and things you need to do regularly. So rather than thinking what is my huge resolution for the year? I want you to think about what is your two minute resolution? What's the thing that you can create a two minute habit around. That overtime will move your business forward. And if you look around you right now, Maybe you're looking at your desktop, maybe you're looking at your phone, your notes app. Maybe you're in your house. What's the thing that you could do in two minutes that, you know, you've been thinking about for way longer than two minutes. Why don't we take those two minutes now and go and clear some mental space. And with that mental space, let's insert a two minute. Small action that you can start to take. Regularly in your business that will drive you forward so that when you look at the end of 2024, You're blown away by how much you achieved I starting with something so small.

Big goals are common at this time of year but those big goals often turn into overwhelm, frustration, and burnout by year’s end. What if you tried something different in 2024?

In This Episode

  • Rethinking the concept of consistency
  • A 2-minute rule to help you make progress
  • A 2-minute rule to help you create mental space and reduce stress


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The information contained above is provided for information purposes only. The contents of this podcast episode and article are not intended to amount to advice and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article or episode. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. Diane Mayor disclaims all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.