Building a business to support your life instead of living to build a business

Goodbye Coffee and Converse, Hello New Show
After 3.5 years and 255 episodes, here are 3 lessons my journey can teach you about business.

One Question Could Change Your Business
In this information-soaked business environment, you don’t need more answers you need more questions to find your own answers.

How to Look Back To Move Forward
It’s time to get comfortable with the idea that the business’ growth needs the same focus as personal growth. And the good news is you already have this skill

Why Good Problems Are Still A Problem In Your Business
Overwhelm is an entrepreneur's natural state of being but, unchecked, it can stop your progress whether the overwhelm is from good things or not-so-good things.

Do You Need More Time Or More Intention
There will never be enough time for everything in our lives and businesses so we need to find a different solution.