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How To Regroup If January Wasn’t All New Year New You


TRANSCRIPT AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED [00:00:00] Hey, Hey, well, this week I am being forced to take some of my own advice. Well, technically it was advice that was given to me in a different situation. That I regularly give to clients. In a business situation. And. Looking back at January as I move into February, I realize it's advice that I really needed to hear again. And so I wanted to share it with you as well, just in case it helps. So once upon a time, I had a personal trainer who was also a more Thai fighter. , if you haven't come across more in time before. It is Thai boxing. And it involves not only the punching of boxing, the kicking of kickboxing. But also you can use your elbows. You can use your knees. It's a really intense, full body workout. I loved it. It was fun. It was effective and it was this incredible stress release. Now to be clear. Before I continue. I was only ever working with pads and a punching bag. Because frankly, I don't want the other person to hit me back. But I love to hit hard or kick hard or. Try and make the trainers stumble back when I like need the pad. And. Am I trying to would say you me. Diane. It doesn't matter that you hit hard. is more important that you hit right. Now, if you think about that in the context of a fight, The chance of you landing that one. Perfect knockout punch. Where you just drive all of your energy into it and you try to almost punch through the paddles through the person. Without you getting hit at the same time, right? Without you having dropped your guard or opened up a part of you to, to be vulnerable to a punch or kick or an elbow. The chance that you're going to be successful by doing that is really small. But if you're strategic and you focus on your plan. you can get to that knockout through a series of steps. I'm probably the best example I solved. This is one of my friends. [00:02:00] Challis is an amazing Muay Thai fighter. And we went to see her fight. And I think the fight lasted all of like, I dunno, 13 seconds or something like that. Not because Shelley went in full force. Now. She was really strong. If someone stood in front of her and she punched them. I'm pretty sure she would knock most people out. But instead. She knew her opponent. She had watched her opponent fight. She had researched her opponent. And she knew where her opponent. Was vulnerable where the most bang for her punch buck was right. Or in this case it was a kick. And she waited. For the person to expose that weak part of their body. And she aimed beautifully for it and took them out of the fight. And that was it. The fight was over. She had one. Not because she punched the hardest. But because she wasn't a more strategic fighter. Now as I look back at January, January has felt hot. It's felt like the January. Of January's right. And normally January is a good month MI. It's my birthday month. It's super fun. But this, whoa, you know, there's that meme, this is like January, it's just a month of Mondays. That's what it's felt like for me. And when I look back and go, why has everything felt so much more difficult? I can see. That I have been trying to punch hard. Instead of. Taking a step back and asking myself, what is the most strategic punch I can make at this moment in time. I have spent January. Trying to hit as hard as I can at everything that I've done. Only to get to the end of January. And find that I'm exhausted and I still haven't won the fight. And if you have felt like January has been the January of January's as well. Like you cannot remember what your new year's resolutions even were. 2023. Has not been your year so far. Even though you said it was going to be. Brian. If [00:04:00] you haven't made the progress on your goals, you were hoping to make. It can be really hard to. Experience the perkiness of social media in January, right. Everyone's like new year, new me vibes all over the place. People are like, oh my God, I just made all this money. And now I don't have to like work for the rest of the year. And that can be really hard if you've got yourself into a situation where it does feel like you've been punching hard. Instead of punching right. But here's the good knees. It is only the end of January. And so if you have felt the same, if you have felt like January has been a fight that you haven't really been winning. Then I want you to take a step back. I want you to go back to your goals. And ask yourself. What would be the one thing you need to do? To move the needle on those goals. And I really do mean one thing. So if your goal is. I need to make X amount in sales. Then you can choose you either. Your main focus is improving your sales conversion rate. Or is your main focus? More leads. Maybe you bring in plenty of money in and you're thinking, oh, I need to make more profit. Great. Where's the efficiency going to come from? But you only get to pick one of those. You're not trying to fix yourselves conversion. And optimize your business and bring in more traffic and create a new course and, and N. 90 days, what is one area that you can focus on? That's going to make the most progress. And you can bring that back even further, like for. The 30 days, not even it's February 28 days. For 28 days. What can you focus on so that at the end of February, You can look back and be like, wow, I really punched. Right. Through February. And if you are one of the fortunate ones, who's had an amazing January. You've had an epic launch. You've hit all your new year, new you resolutions and you're riding high. I invite you to [00:06:00] look at January. And find the places where you punched, right. Where you strategically aimed and put your energy. In order to generate the results and this feeling that you have at January and ask yourself how you can repeat that. Through 2023.

It’s not enough to keep on fighting when things feel tough. Sometimes you need to change how you fight for those goals.

Key Takeaway

Sometimes it’s hard because you’re making it hard but it’s only one month down.

In This Episode

  • The advice I needed to hear to kick start February
  • How to implement this in your business
  • Why you need to hear this advice even if you’ve had the best January ever


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The information contained above is provided for information purposes only. The contents of this podcast episode and article are not intended to amount to advice and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article or episode. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. Diane Mayor disclaims all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.