How To Discern What Advice Is Right For You and Your Business With Erin Lindstrom
TRANSCRIPT AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED [00:00:00] Diane: Hey, Hey, today's guest. Erin Lindstrom is a sales strategist and coach and the CEO and co-founder of a SAS business. I don't think I've ever left one of Aaron's calls without thinking more deeply about something that I already thought I was completely clear on before we talked. So we're going to dive into something she says at the beginning of every one of the Coles, which is that you get to discern what's for you. But first, Hey Erin. Welcome to the. [00:00:22] Erin: Hi, thank you so much for having me, Diane. [00:00:25] Diane: so let's do a quick little intro to you and your business. [00:00:29] Erin: I am Erin Lindstrom. We'll start. We'll start there. So I'm Erin. I am a sales strategist. Yeah, that's it. That's the intro. I like to breed excitement and mystery. But I'm a sales strategist, a coach. I am the CEO of my own company called human being co. And I also am the co-founder and CEO of let's collect, which is a sales software company for entrepreneurs and creators. I do lots of different things. I train people how to be. Better with an asterisk next to better coaches. To me, what better means is really like making sure that you are helping people trust themselves more versus just getting them to do what you think is right. That's not coaching that's abuse. And I also work with people to make more money. Cause I think that good people doing good work should be able to have beautiful lives. And in this capitalistic patriarchal society money as a party. [00:01:25] Diane: so I get to experience you every week as part of your SAS company, let's collect as one of the founding members, I get a weekly call with you and. You always start off every single one of those calls and the exact same way with the exact same instructions. And I'm wondering if you would like to give those to the listener today, before we start. [00:01:46] Erin: Sure. And so this is like it's improvised every time. Right. I'm pulling it up, pulling it out and through, but it's typically something like, thank you so much for being here today. I appreciate you showing up and I'm going to give advice today in a couple of different ways. Like I am a coach. I am a. I am a teacher. And so I will say things and I will do my best to tell you where it's coming from. And as you're listening, please take what you want and leave the rest. Anything. I say some things you might be like, oh my God, yes. Today. Some things it might take a week, some things in six years you might be like, oh, I get it. And that's fine. And if you never get it, it's all good. But most important. Listen to yourself over me, your body knows and should be listened to. And ultimately this is your business. So you are going to know things more than I do with that. Let's go. [00:02:30] Diane: And just to be clear for the listener, those calls are pretty much anything goes, right. We talk about everything from hats to marketing, so whatever, whatever tickles us on that week. So, but it's always that same instruction. Now for me, I have always been acutely aware of the coach and consultant vibe because I tend much more towards the consultant strategy. End of that spectrum. I can do coaching, but it's not my natural style because I get too excited and I want to get to the onset. Let's talk about what those definitions are. So like coach mentor, strategist, Heela. Let's just go, let's just get everybody on the same page before we even start talking, because I think this is a complicated area for the online business space [00:03:16] Erin: yeah. It's almost like a flower Venn diagram where they all have overlaps as well. [00:03:20] Diane: but the number of times I've always been really specific about like strategist in Matata and the number of times people have said, just say business coach, because people know what that is. And I'm like, but it's not what I do. [00:03:31] Erin: Yeah. [00:03:31] Diane: oh, same, same. And I might not really not [00:03:34] Erin: Right. [00:03:34] Diane: same. [00:03:36] Erin: I completely agree with you. It's different. And I think it's really important when you're selling a specific program to know which version of you you're getting. You know what I mean? Because being with Diane, the coach might be different than getting Diane the strategist, which is different than getting kind of a bit of both. And most of us I think are doing a combination of things and it's helpful to have the language to say, this is what I'm doing today. And so people know your boundaries, like if I'm not coaching and I'm just in advising. To me, a coach is going to help you figure out the answers for yourself, right. And really kind of explore an advisor. A consultant is more going to tell you what they think based on their experience and how to a teacher is going to show you the curriculum and help you experience it and like make it so that you think in the way the knowledge is being presented. Strategist to me is very much like reverse engineering what's happening. I definitely use strategy and everything that I'm doing. And a healer. I actually think all of those things. So I think as humans, we are healing. Right. Like as women, as we, as just as humans, as people who listened to each other, if you think about you know, a warm family environment or in your, with your best friends, when you are heard and seen and accepted and loved that to me is healing. So if you were doing that in any of your programs, I would say. Hm, that's that's healing. You don't have to lead with that. You don't, that doesn't mean you're sitting on a meditation pillow. Like, just means that like you are accepting people and that is helping them be more of themselves. So to me, that's actually the most important part of all of this. And then you layer on the way that, like you think that can be helpful for someone to reach their goals. [00:05:06] Diane: you said like the flower Venn diagram at the beginning, which obviously we're now going to have to draw, but the flower Venn diagram, who is responsible in your opinion, full. Clarifying those roles. In my mind, a coach asks you questions and then you go, oh, it's this, this, this, this, this a consultant or strategist asks you questions. And then they go, oh, it's because of this, this and this. And that's how it connects. Right. So it's kind of the different person gets the onset. Who is responsible in that relationship? When I might be swapping between the two, I might've consulted figured out the answer. And now I'm trying to guide you to how to improve, say the relationship that's causing the problem as a more of a coaching space. Is it for me to say, Hey, I'm going to swap it out and now I'm going to be coaching you. Okay. Now this is now I'm advising you now I'm coaching you is it more. A responsibility to understand the kind of support that's coming at you and knowing when to listen. [00:06:05] Erin: Great question. Yeah, I think it's actually a combination. So the way I would set it up is if you are going into a container and, you know, as the facilitator of the container, you know, what the container is for. So in the beginning, I think having an introduction is really important to get everyone on the same page. And that is where you can share. As you know, I blend different things. I am a strategist, I'm a consultant and I'm a coach. So I'm going to use all of that if that's okay with you, does that feel okay? And you get their consent, right? And then from there it kind of sets you up. So when you're flowing, you can naturally, like, it's not the hardest thing in the world to be like, oh, may I ask a coaching? And then they, you're kind of getting micro consent as you go. So everyone's on the same page. Other times, sometimes I get very excited and I'll be like, Ooh, Ooh, I have an idea. Is it okay if I share it? And so I don't have to say, excuse me, I'm being the consultant now. But just being in my, being in my humanness, I get excited. And so I will just share that and they're like, oh my God. Yes, please. Or hold on one second. I have an idea. And I'm like, oh my gosh, go first. You know what I mean? So it's natural and it's conversational and it's relational. But it's just having the awareness really to, I don't want to ever the light or shine. Whatever paint with my color on top of my clients, they're color because their color is right for them. So I try to match it and think with them when I'm consulting and working on their things. [00:07:27] Diane: um, [00:07:28] Erin: ultimately it's their brush. It's their paint. And if they want to dump glitter in it, then that's the best choice for them. If that's what they want to do. [00:07:34] Diane: I think from my personal perspective of like being on the client side of this kind of experience that discernment about how I'm going to receive the information starts with me deciding what kind of support that I want. [00:07:47] Erin: Yeah, that's a great point too. [00:07:49] Diane: So I have. Different types of support. So I have a hundred percent the coaching person who I know is going to ask me to quit the difficult questions and it's going to be me having the aha. But often if I'm looking for something that is like, I will sit with myself and ask, do I, do I have something deeper here that I want to talk about? Or do I just want someone to tell me what the F to do for the next step? Right. Like how do I just move from here? And. Then how I respond to the information that I'm being given is different. how does a client in that situation where they are being supported in multiple different ways in one session discern? Yes, this is a yes for me in the advisor. Sick the coaching. It's a bit easier because you're the one having the aha. But how do you decide which of somebody else's all Hawes rock for you? [00:08:39] Erin: Yeah, that's a great question. I think honestly, defaulting to your body is a big part of this because the excitement that you feel the like, oh, the full body. Yes. Or the like, Ooh, I'm closing up as we're talking about this, like, oh, I just kind of went into myself and like, I can notice when I start, I call it turtling, but I feel my head going into my shell and I'm like, Hm, I don't want to do this anymore. So if I feel clearly, like, I don't want to do this anymore. I think it's important as the client in that moment. My hope is that the facilitator can see that and ask you about it, but also like personal responsibility, right? When you feel that being like, Ooh, as we're talking about this, I actually just like felt myself kind of retract and all my excitement. And then depending on the kind of container container you're in, you either can explore that a bit or be like, all right, I'm going to take that to therapy. Thank you so much. I did want all of this, you know what I mean? I do want to do this, but something in me is like really scared or, you know, just wants to go to sleep now instead. [00:09:43] Diane: Once to watch Netflix for three days, instead of digging out a piece of work, right. [00:09:46] Erin: And I think that to your point before, too, about people really knowing the kind of container they're going into and the kind of support, think these are excellent questions to ask on sales calls [00:09:55] Diane: Um, [00:09:55] Erin: we all define them differently knowing how the person's world or container that you're walking into, knowing how they define coaching and consulting and advising is really important. Ask that whether it's to them or their sales person, and then. Like you can ask examples too, of questions that you might ask. Even what we just talked about. Let's say that I get in there and I'm looking at the curriculum and I feel like this isn't the right place. What would happen next? Is there support to walk me through it? Is it no problem. Here's a refund or is it a too bad, too sad. Do it anyway. Vibe and like the answers to those questions to me are interesting and important as well. [00:10:31] Diane: and I think the more you talk to somebody who is a sales person the person who will be giving the support, whether that's got different coaches in the program, or you've got different salespeople. those questions because. Much more important because the number of times I have bought something because I've had such a deep connection to the sales person And then have then found myself in a program where that's not the way the, the main, I know you said character, the main coach provide supports, you know, so it's gone from that much more coaching modality to where, like, this is how you need to do it. And anything else. Stuff. Right. [00:11:13] Erin: Yes. And that's so hard as a sales person. You know what I mean? Like that is really, it's interesting because not, I think this is why it's so important for people to start asking themselves, what kind of coach are you, what kind of consultant are you to know your flavor? You know what I mean? So you can hire the right sales person who can. Exemplify and embody your way of doing things so that it is a natural progression for your clients versus them being sold a vibe and then getting in and having a different vibe with different boundaries. usually the things on earth are the same. It's the same curriculum. It's yes, it is a coaching call, but what that means to different people can be different things. [00:11:51] Diane: um, [00:11:51] Erin: it's tricky to navigate, I think, especially in this world where a lot of group coaching programs are focused on scaling to make sure you're actually getting the. And the support and the way that's not harmful to you. [00:12:05] Diane: Yeah. And then that you kind of know what you're stepping into. Right. [00:12:08] Erin: Yeah. Yeah. [00:12:10] Diane: one of the things about like your like little intro that is like, here's, what's going to happen. Take what you need leave, what you don't. was surprising to me is honestly the fact that you need to say it, right? So I'm a person who Has been through the ringer, a number of times that, I mean, good luck to you telling me to do something that I don't want to do. Right. But I wonder if this is coming as a legacy of the days of the less scrupulous do, as I say exactly the way I say it, or I'm kicking you out of the program, right. Are a lot of us still healing from that. And. It kind of keeps us, I don't, I don't want to say necessarily, like, it's a trauma response, but almost like we're afraid to advocate for ourselves or to say, well, that doesn't work for me. What else have you got? [00:13:02] Erin: absolutely. I think that many of us, I mean, relationships. And relationship dynamics are interesting. They affect us our entire lives. typically like way that we are parented changes the way our brain works right as adults. [00:13:21] Diane: Um, [00:13:22] Erin: we then naturally go towards people. Do similar or sometimes opposite of like the way we were parented, the way we were disciplined, the, we want the same vibe or we want nothing like that vibe. Right. And so it makes sense that like a coaching relationship, someone is holding space for you. Hopefully accepting you, someone is supporting you. And like it does have crossover with parenting and how we were raised, whether we want it to or not, and not in like a codependent, like that's the, the point is that this should be different than that, but also it does have similarities. And I think it's silly to pretend it doesn't. I don't want to be my client's moms. That's not what I'm doing. However, am I providing a supporting, nurturing, inviting environment for them to thrive? Hopefully, is that similar to what a parent does? Hopefully. So like, we kind of have to look at that, I think. And it's interesting how, like, if you didn't have a ton of struggle, Growing up, like, you might want a ton of structure now that might feel safe to you. Right. And we are looking for like safety in all of these environments. And if you had superstructure, you might be like, hell no, I'm not following the rules. I need like a form thing. And then we get into these containers and you see the rules and you're like, Nope, bye. And then like the coach can call it self sabotage. You know what I mean? So we can name all these behaviors, different things. Ultimately, like there's more happening at the core and I think that there's an element of like popularity and coolness that can happen in the online space too, [00:14:48] Diane: the pedestal hero worship. [00:14:50] Erin: Yes. And if I joined the container. I think it's really cool. I might not want to write, like now I'm thinking about relationships and like, if I care more about her liking me than me getting the result I'm looking for and learning, then contort to not ask those questions that I need to ask or to even question the answers that are coming out. So I think it's important that as the facility. I want people to question me in my spaces. gosh. The day that I'm like, hi, I know everything like, please like, get me off of zoom, take my computer away because how insane is it really to think that I know everything and that I would know better for someone else when, like, I can't feel what their body is feeling. I don't know their experiences. I don't know. What's actually best for you. And I don't know what is, you know, there's truth. And then there's. Truth deeper level. You know what I mean? So it might be true that I want to launch this program, but I might be more true that I want to move to Costa Rica and raise my kids there and like, And for some, a lot of people when we're in coaching and by environments, what we're doing is starting to reveal more and more of the truth of ourselves. So I'm holding space for that. And for everyone's exploration of what's true for them. And I always have to remind my clients too, like you can change your mind and I don't care if you don't want to launch this. And I don't care if you don't want to feel it. Like, I think it's possible. I think this is great. I think you have a way to do it. Let's see what comes up as you walk that journey. And ultimately if you decide to burn down this business because you want to get a job. Fucking great. If that's what makes you happy? Let's do that. [00:16:23] Diane: yeah. I think it's so much about you being able to. Advocate for yourself in that situation, know, like I have gone on calls with my coach and gone look, I do not have time to break down today. I've got a lot of stuff on my plates, but I need to figure this out. So I'm going to need you to just point me in the direction of the onset [00:16:41] Erin: yeah. [00:16:42] Diane: give me like. Give me something that's going to get me over this hump. And then we can come back another day and we can do the 40 minute deep dive into resulted in this. I think equally on the side of what you're saying, it's equally on the coach consultant, strategist, whoever to almost not be like bought into whether or not someone takes your advice. [00:17:04] Erin: Oh, totally right. It's none of my business. Like I want people to get the results, but I'm very upfront, like in my sales process too. And I think that's important the same way I start the coaching calls on a sales call. Like, listen, here's what I have to give. I see this for you. I'm happy [00:17:18] Diane: Um, [00:17:19] Erin: May or may not work, not promising you the money. Cause like, I don't know what's going to happen. I don't know if you'll turn the ship, you know what I mean? And so that clear co-creation, I think is really important. And there's so much on learning that's happening in this process. When you were with a, an advisor who does self-awareness and you have self-awareness the, the ability to really change how we are and how we do things is huge. And it's been really fascinating watching my daughter. Nine she'll be nine in a couple of weeks. But navigate school and the amount of things that I questioned with her when she complains that, like, I didn't, I don't get a cupcake at the end of the week because I didn't finish all my stuff on time. me so mad because we're creating this like achievement at the end where I'm like, are you. Cool. I don't [00:18:09] Diane: I don't care. [00:18:10] Erin: Like we're not doing that. Y you know, with a fundraiser at school, our teacher is telling us that like, our class has to hit this goal. So then the kids have to come home and ask for money. I'm like, this is ridiculous. What we're doing here. if you don't want to do this, And if you don't, you know, but she's sad that she can't go to the party or get the cupcake at the end of the week. And that's what, we're all deprogramming from two or not all of us, but many of us who grew up in the United States and in a education system that really is here to support capitalism. So dealing with all of that, like, I think most of us are now in containers where like, we are used to just doing what we're told to be the good girl and a lot of doing business in a way that is true to you is revolution. Yeah. [00:18:52] Diane: Yeah. I think it's so interesting to watch. I never understand people. Who've like, I've had a coach , full-time for two years. It to me, , I feel like if you, how can I explain this? , it feels to me that the coach is doing something that's encouraging you to not grow to not. Like, I need you to say, stay and keep paying me. So I'm going to help you achieve, but you only get to achieve if you're involved with [00:19:17] Erin: Totally [00:19:18] Diane: I see people who can't. Do launch calculation on their own without running it past their coach, they can't [00:19:26] Erin: right. [00:19:27] Diane: ad to run without running it past coach. They can't do something without swap files. This real kind of like dependency. And I see it a lot more. I'm sad to say in female coach and coachee relationships, If somebody is like experiencing that [00:19:43] Erin: Yeah. [00:19:44] Diane: how do they identify that? And then how do they step away from it? If it's no longer, I guess, safe for them, right. Because what are you going to do 10 years with one person? Like that's not gross. [00:19:56] Erin: Mm. Yeah, I hear you. So I have been, here are the two questions I would ask in the containers you in right now, just to do like a check kind of check-in one, do you feel like you could write. And to, you share constructive criticism about the leader in the container? And if the answer to either of those is no, it's like, okay, red flags are up. A lot of times, it's obvious in a way that's not obvious. So I had a coach years ago who I remember we were in a mastermind, which PS I had absolutely fucking no business paying for in the place where I actually was in business. Total, total stretch beyond what I think is like that to me, is harmful stretching someone like that and kind of using the mind games of like, oh yeah. Did it like stop? And one of her things, as we, as she was wrapping the contracts for the whole mastermind was, oh my God. It was like jokey, but it wasn't you know, we do lifetime contracts here because of course we'll stay together, lifetime contracts. And I remember being like, oh, that's interesting. And then kind of like had, you know, side conversations and side conversations are important. Talk to people in your groups. And not in. It's important to connect with people. Community is so important and powerful. Like that's one of the biggest parts of being in group environments and group, group coaching programs is who is in here that like meant to be my friend or who can I support and how can they, you know what I mean? Like community building is huge to me. And I think a leader should be in support of that when the leader is scared that, oh my God, they're going to be friends and they won't need me anymore. Like that's a bring it to therapy because that's great if people don't need you anymore, that's the point. Right. And it's not about you, the person it's you, your curriculum and program. So really being able to like separate those things is very important. [00:21:39] Diane: and I think on that community thing, it ties into, can you leave, right? Because some of that control about you not being able to leave as, can you leave without being quote unquote shunned, Like you're going to lose all of those friends that you've made in the community because you've now gone. Well, this doesn't work for me anymore. [00:21:56] Erin: Absolutely. And that, that crosses over into team for me too, when we're like contracting and doing done for you stuff, or like when you're an employee, that's what it feels like as you're leaving, I try to create both my coaching programs, my peer mastermind my like, team. I want everyone to know, like, you are valued. I accept you. I'm so glad you're here. How can I support you? And like when it's time to leave. Great. Like, let's just have an honest conversation about it. Cause I want to support you in the transition. And my hope is that it'll be supported on both sides, but like open door policy and you know, in my peer mastermind, especially like we've been together four years, right. It's not because it's this tight, like you must be here. It's because the doors are open and like, you can go any time you flow in and out. And like my only ask is like, please just let us know, like, if you're leaving, like when will you be back? You know what I mean? So we have an idea or, Hey, I'm not coming to calls for the next month because I'm in a. Love you. Bye. You know, it's just about communicating and I prefer groups that are like that, where you can just be you and be accepted and you're not showing up or, or contorting yourself to hit the expectation of the group and said, the expectation is like, you know, yourself best just please communicate with us. So we're on the same page. [00:23:09] Diane: yeah, I think it's almost like if something feels wrong, assume that something is wrong. Not that something's wrong with. [00:23:17] Erin: Exactly. I guess, as you said that I was like, yes, it's, it's interesting. I have found this again, like on teams and contracting, like awhile, I was like, what is happening? my gosh. I must need to like, do some deeper therapy work. Why is this coming up? What is this? Dah, dah, dah. And then I finally left and then afterwards, and that unpacking is like, [00:23:36] Diane: oh, [00:23:38] Erin: That environment. Wasn't great. Oh, that leadership was actually harmful, but like, I was so internalizing it, making about me not being for not quite getting it or like, maybe this just isn't for me, like, that's the environment, not you. [00:23:51] Diane: Yeah. [00:23:51] Erin: And not that I'm perfect either like open to feedback, it is interesting when you leave an environment and you're like outside of nature and it's like, Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Like I created so much chatter about that in my head. Yeah, you never know. [00:24:09] Diane: I know that people are going to be listening to this now, suddenly thinking like, oh my goodness, like, do I show up for my people differently in this five? I know that you have a fabulous resource specifically around sales I have personally found very helpful that I have personally. I'm just going to warn you. I have cried in the street listening to it. So, you know. just like the first few episodes, you just going to want to do those ones in privates and then you're safe. But you want to tell everyone a little bit about. [00:24:37] Erin: totally so shiny sales is a course that I actually created and sold. And then I was getting ready to launch it again. And then the pandemic hit and I was. Forget it, this is free. Like just give it to people because more than ever, like whatever, stopping us from being able to show up in confidence and sell with ease, like needs to go away because like life isn't as simple, you know what I mean? It just felt important. So, it is free. It is on my website and it walks you through really Two things. One is like actual strategic steps you can take in your sales process and showing up and messaging and marketing and all that jazz. And then on the other side of it, it really is more of the, what do I believe about money and sales and how can I unpack this and kind of getting into the money mindset side of things and starting to unpack and reveal what's there so we can let go of it and create, you know, beautiful lives, whatever that means to each of us. [00:25:26] Diane: Yes, and it is a potty car. So it's very easy to listen to public. As I said, by a beware. [00:25:34] Erin: I love that it comes with a warning. Oh my goodness. I am the coach. We will laugh and cry together. Like that's just, yeah. [00:25:41] Diane: I can't remember what the, what the question was. And I was on the way to the grocery store and it just hit me so hard. I'm not on a busy road or anything in full public [00:25:51] Erin: I'm so glad. Yeah. I'll add a disclaimer. [00:25:54] Diane: little delegates, delicate sniffles, you know? No, I have been lucky enough to experience there and magic in person as part of let's collect. We've mentioned that a couple of times, I just want to chat a little bit about how your sales and coaching approach has played into developing a software. [00:26:16] Erin: Yeah. [00:26:17] Diane: a really interesting aspects of it. That's quite different from most tools we've seen [00:26:22] Erin: Yeah. Thank you. So I. Never in a million years would have said like, oh yeah, I'm going to create a software company that was not in the books. And also I wouldn't have told you that sales would be like my thing either. But to me, sales is really more like sales is natural when you're just being you and like people want to work with you in different ways. Right. And so the way that we've thought about the software is because I'm in sales, I've been inside some of them, right. I've used pipe drive. I've used HubSpot and. As the salesperson. I mean, when you get in there, it's all like w deals and then there's wins, lost dollar signs, red light, green light 1, 2, 3, like an I, it's just, it's a little gross, to be honest. And like going in doesn't feel expensive. It doesn't feel safe to me. Like, because it brings up that like performance vibes of achievement and as a sales person who I care more about people than money. And so. I think all people should have money, but you know what I mean, when I'm looking at sales and whenever I made contracts with people to support them in their cells, I'm very much like I will only sell this to them. If I really truly think this is the right thing for them. And if they think that too, I am not convincing. I am not walking them through a path of manipulation. Like I hold people in their truth to the best of my ability and allow them to make the decision that's best for them. Do you think a sales software exists? That does that too? No, it does not. It is all based on the, get them to the end. Like, let's go win, lose. How do we get them? How do we get them faster? Yeah. [00:27:52] Diane: Yeah. [00:27:53] Erin: are they worth? What's their lifetime value. Holy moly. Like, please stop. It's disgusting. So, so our version of this is so let's collect. We did two things. Number one is we kind of like softened all of this. So instead of like funnels and getting people to the end, we're talking about journeys, this is a journey we're going on. And like, you get to choose the destination. There might be turns. It's not going to be, just get on the path and we're going, this is. You choose your adventure. And it is different instead of like gray and dark and drab. It is pink and purple and it is like light and it has affirmations that aren't get that money in. It's more like, trust yourself, you know what I mean? And kind of like reframing, like scarcity doesn't sell if you're in that like really, oh my gosh, like we need to do this. Like if we're in that survival kind of vibe That is harder to sell from than when you are in trust, right? Like control versus trust, give you two different vibes. So the whole idea is that the software kind of gives you that. And I think for women, especially growing up in a society like this typically historically it's been the man who's in charge of the money. Right. We couldn't own property. We couldn't vote until after them and all of that jazz So the unlearning I was talking about before [00:29:09] Diane: Um, [00:29:09] Erin: And I think a lot of times it feels like, and I'll speak for myself. Like, it doesn't feel like you belong in those spaces where it is the male dominated sales ring, the bell, blah, blah, blah. And I want this to feel like you do belong. Like this is for us. This is for the softer creator who doesn't want to push, push. Like you can go and flow and have conversations. And that counts in your sales process. It's not just about, did you send them the opt-in? Did they get the quiz? Like what was their answer? Flow. And the idea is that collect can actually show up and be that support system in the background to grab all of that data, to be the supportive structure that allows you then to show up around it and to really like be you versus having to be you and pay attention to all of the data and make sure you're in your Instagram and make sure you checked active campaign. And don't forget your zap and dah, dah, dah, like stop, stop. Like let's just create a space where you can see yourself stuff. You can feel good about selling and. You have the space to like, be you on top of that, you're welcome here. You're accepted. And like we're here to support all of you, regardless of what that looks like in your very specific offer or like which strategy you're following or which coach you're using their curriculum. Like we don't care bring whatever's working for you, whatever feels good. [00:30:24] Diane: yeah. [00:30:24] Erin: And then let's talk about it and see what's working best and like figure this out together. [00:30:28] Diane: And I guess it kind of role models that sales approach that your clients can have with their clients of like, I'm here to support you. What else do you need? do you want me to like pull in? I dunno, LinkedIn, next. That seems to be the conversation that we keep having in the group. Like, yes, it's coming. But I think role modeling. It's everyone who then uses software as well [00:30:50] Erin: absolutely. [00:30:50] Diane: here's how you can show up and. Support somebody in their journey. [00:30:55] Erin: Yeah, and I just got chills, as you said that. Cause I think it's really important. Like the impact we can make, like I teach a coach training program called dynamic coach training. That's not going to be for everyone and that's okay. What excites me about collect too, is that like, this is for all of us, like if you're making money and you're committed to being yourself and like. Doing less harm and like want to have a consensual sales process and like want it to feel good. And this is that for you, like, great. There's so many more people, there's such a bigger community available here. And so to be able to say like, Hey, can we support you with that? To me, feels like amazing. And then to have, we have an amazing community. And so people showing up and getting to know them and knowing what people are doing in the world and having the conversations of like, oh, this is. That's why I do those calls is because like normalizing that and knowing that other people are going through it, sometimes we can't get to the root of what's happening for us, but hearing someone else work through it is like, Ooh, a layer has been removed. And I think that's really the magic of this. And then there's just the magic of technology, which is like, oh my God, this is so great. Cause I was literally crying about spreadsheets before. [00:31:56] Diane: Yeah, think the, the community, I think it speaks volumes that have these calls once a week, it's usually a different crew every time some of us turn up more often than others, but very often the people who are on the. I'm not actually there with some theory specific, there's usually only one or two of us. Who've got like a, okay. Aaron, what do you think about this kind of question? And everyone else has just kind of come to say hi and touch base. Cause it is a really cool group. So I am very excited about it and obviously [00:32:28] Erin: have you. [00:32:28] Diane: It's exciting to also I think, I don't know if we mentioned it. We mentioned that all three co-founders are female. [00:32:35] Erin: No, we did not. And you know what? They're actually story. The coach that I mentioned who was lifetime, lifetime contracts. And left that coach kind of together, like, you know, got what we needed and then moved on. And we have stuck together in conscious friendship and business building that is very open door policy. You know what I mean? And so that trusting relationship, like it's, that's what I think makes the way that we're leading so unique. Like we're able to talk to each other and have the real conversations and say what you really think like it truly is say for each of us. And I know they would both say that otherwise I definitely would not. But it's, it's amazing. [00:33:13] Diane: Yeah, I'm very excited about it. I'm going to make sure to link it in the show notes. You should grab it as soon as possible, because process will only go up once people realize how bomb this piece of software is. I'm putting it here because I'm going to be able to say, I told you, so if you come to me in like a year's time and go, oh, I wish I joined at the initial price. [00:33:33] Erin: I really appreciate, like, so helpful. it's scary to do this. And so hearing what other people like believe in it and seeing it and they're like, oh yeah, no, no, no, no, no, this like, this is the thing so fascinating. So just thank you for the reflection. [00:33:48] Diane: hi, my pleasure. I'll be sure to like message you guys more often in the, in the chat that you're all doing an amazing job. so to finish up, I always like to ask my guests the same two questions. The first one is what is your number one lifestyle boundary for your. [00:34:03] Erin: Ooh. Wow. That's such an interesting thing to think about. So my business and I don't have like a ton of rules, you know what I mean? Like, and it's very based on flow, but I think my number one boundary is really that like my body wins, you know what I mean? So if my body says no to business right now, like that's the answer. But I don't have strict rules. Like I will go to a beautiful place and like work because it really does light me up and like creating con you know what I mean? Like I'm doing what I feel like is my life purpose. And so it's not clear lines for me. And I think there's room for that to shift more. And as I grow through and like, as businesses grow, there will be different boundaries. But in this moment, what it all comes down to for me is like, the body is the line. Like, if we need a break, we take a break. There's no, Thinking through not taking a break. And I think one of the things I'm kind of. Working through, you know what I mean? Because having not having any boundaries, I don't think is the answer either. You know what I mean? Like I work all the time because I love it. Like, I can totally hear how, like that's not it either, but kind of finding that middle between the pendulum swings of like, I do work because I love it. And I, something I'm working on right now is like, all right, what other ways can I have. 'cause, this is really fun for me, but like how about we play card game instead? And how about I go do a show at the theater? Cause it's open again now. And like that is a different kind of fun where like my fun doesn't always have to be productive. And so trying to get better at wasting time right now. Cause I'm pretty efficient because I've had to be like single mom with two kids growing a business, like needing to pay the bills. Like there wasn't really. Room for that. And luckily I'm lucky that this has always been fun for me and felt fun for me. But I'm now looking to diversify my fun. [00:35:46] Diane: Looking to get a hobby. [00:35:48] Erin: I need some new hobbies, [00:35:49] Diane: I laugh because one of the first pieces of advice, my coach gave it to me. And we still laugh about, and I will send her regular memes on is she's like, have you ever thought of getting a hoppy? And I was like, what is this hobby thing that you speak off? [00:36:05] Erin: Yup. Yup. [00:36:06] Diane: Because even for me, even when I'm reading, like my number one, like strengths finder thing is like love of learning. So even when I'm relaxing, I love reading business books or, you know, Harvard business review or whatever. It's just fun for me. And people think I'm so weird, but I make, that's really interesting for Me it's every now and then I have to be like, okay, what is a fun thing without any payoff? [00:36:32] Erin: Me too. And it's like watching TV for me. I had to like, kinda work through that, which is so silly, but like, I can hear my mom being like, oh, the idiot box, turn it off. And now I'm like, we get to just like, watch a show because it's fun. Like I will watch Ted lasso because I like it. Not because you know what I mean? I don't need to learn anything and it's okay to turn off. I don't think I knew that for a long time. I [00:36:57] Diane: Yeah. [00:36:58] Erin: time. Oh, I'm crying. I'm very integrated. I'm still watching it after 18 seasons. Right. And it's like, oh my God, I'm stressed about these people. And I said this to my, one of my coaches at one point. And I was like, I feel really bad. Like I binged this whole thing. she was like, great, like there's feelings in that. And you're processing feelings. And like that is, you're not, not doing anything, but also you can just be sad because you're watching a TV show and that's fine. You're not hurting anything else in your life. Oh, thanks. I think it's been made such a like, oh, productivity. Don't do that. Get up, get up at 5:00 AM that like chilling feels wrong, but chilling Zach's actually productive. [00:37:34] Diane: But it's the cupcake thing with your daughter, right. If you don't get all of this done, you don't get the cupcake. You have to [00:37:40] Erin: right. [00:37:41] Diane: your cupcake, which as an adult becomes TV time or time with friends or whatever. So, if you thought that question was hard, this one's going to be even harder. [00:37:50] Erin: great. Let's go. [00:37:51] Diane: what's the worst piece of cookie cutter advice you've been given as an entrepreneur? [00:37:56] Erin: Raise your prices. High ticket, raise your prices at a zero. Just double it. Dah, dah, dah, dah, dah. Like, no, I support high ticket sales. I sell high ticket. All of those things like that's fine. But I think that there is a problematic piece to all of that where, when we're just inflating prices, because, because why not? I think they can, they they'll spend 24,000 for six. You're not changing the value of what you're delivering. It's actually not that helpful. Like I think that is terrible. And that things do need to be grounded in reality. And like access is important. So like raising your prices over and over again, isn't the answer to having the life you love. You know what I mean? I think that is, can get misconstrued very quickly. And there's nothing wrong with raising your prices. I think it's just important to like think through it ethically and not just, not just do it to do it sometimes doing it, to do it in a, in a, let me think about this and see how it feels. And then come back to the pricing conversation. That works. Like sometimes I tell my clients, okay. Pretend it's triple. See how that feels. I'm not saying to go do it. I'm saying to think about it and feel into it, and then we can see what's coming up. [00:39:09] Diane: And [00:39:09] Erin: but [00:39:09] Diane: do need to add a zero. Like if you're selling [00:39:11] Erin: right, [00:39:12] Diane: like, like, 12 weeks of support for 300 bucks, like please add a zero and [00:39:16] Erin: right. [00:39:16] Diane: extra. [00:39:17] Erin: And that's why the discernment piece of this is so important. It's like check in with yourself, where are you on this? Are you thinking through pricing? Ethically is doesn't make sense. Are you, you know, being competitive in the market, could this be more or less like really look at it and analyze it? I think that's something that's important to kind of like bring to, and then analyzing and like being with your mindset and your like body response and all of that is also information. But then you need to look at the full picture of all this information to make that next choice versus just simple. Adding the zero or adding two zeros or whatever. [00:39:49] Diane: Well this has been [00:39:50] Erin: Yeah. [00:39:50] Diane: fun conversation, which I knew it would be. I appreciate you so much. is the best place on the socials for everyone to carry on this conversation with you? Because I know you're going to get some stories. [00:40:01] Erin: love it. Yeah. So Instagram is my favorite place to hang out. I'm at Erin Lindstrom and then collect is on there too at let's collect co. [00:40:08] Diane: Awesome. Thank you so much. [00:40:11] Erin: thanks for having me. This was great. Loved it.
Have you ever been in a group program or working with a coach and something felt off? Maybe it wasn’t you or your limiting beliefs that were wrong but the environment that was wrong for you.
Erin Lindstrom walks you through how to decide which advice to take and which to leave where you found it and why this might feel so hard for us.
Key Takeaway
We all define the different types of support like coaching and consulting differently so being able to tell the difference and knowing which you might need at the moment is the first step.
We talk about
- Defining the types of support in the online world
- Understanding the type of support you need and are receiving
- The problem with sales calls and what to do instead
- How to check in on whether your current support containers are still working for you
- Why the online popularity contest might be holding you back
- Erin’s lifestyle boundary for her business
- The worst cookie-cutter advice Erin’s been given on her lifestyle business
About Erin
Erin Lindstrom is a sales strategist and coach, the creator of Dynamic Coach Training, and CEO and co-founder of the first and only social selling CRM created by and for heart-centered businesses. Erin helps her clients achieve their life and business goals with a blend of relational restoration techniques and proven growth strategies that result in higher profits, better relationships, and more fun. When she’s not helping clients improve their sales, ops, and marketing, you can find Erin playing with her two adorable kids, performing on stage at Push Comedy Theater, or having a long conversation about life and the universe on her front porch in Norfolk, Virginia.
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The information contained above is provided for information purposes only. The contents of this podcast episode and article are not intended to amount to advice and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article or episode. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. Diane Mayor disclaims all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.