The Most Important Part Of Saying No


TRANSCRIPT AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED Hey, Hey, welcome to the first episode in June. I'm not hundred percent sure how we got to June this year feels like whirlwind, and I've been taking some time to reflect back on it and work out. What's been working for me, what I want to change up, and I have some new and exciting things that I'm really pumped to get out into the world in June. As I've been getting excited about new things. I found myself having to say no to more of the old things, no, to things that don't fit into that vision and no to things that just aren't working for me anymore. One of the first pieces of advice I got. And my first big corporate job in London was from my boss, who said to me, Diane, to make it to the next level you need to learn to say no. And that's very much the case, those basic boundaries of realizing when something isn't serving, where you're headed in that particular level is the ability to say no to it. As I'm thinking about all these things I have to say no to. And obviously the social media is, are reading my mind as usual. I happened across an Instagram post. That was a variety of different ways to say no to something. And I think this is very representative of what's happening in the entrepreneurial space. People 100% need that script, but also how sad is it that we're so afraid to say no thank you. Because we fear that it means we're going to miss an opportunity. We're going to ruin a relationship. Someone's going to go out and bad mouth us when the reality is sometimes the kindness thing you can do is say, no, thank you. So I'm reading through all of these scripts. And what struck me is actually how you say no is a lot less important than one really particular part of the note. And that is when you say no. So the note that comes up front, then no, thank you to the opportunity to the collaboration, to the client, even that comes up front is the clearest and the kindest. The funny thing about being afraid to say no for the FOMO, for hurting someone's feelings or being seen as uncooperative or unhelpful. Is that actually a causes us to say yes and then follow it with a later. No, and there is nothing worse. There is nothing that is going to ruin future collaborations, relationships, and your reputation than dropping the ball on someone close to the thing that you've committed to. Most people, if they're asking you to participate in a summit, be on their podcast, host a JV webinar, um, present a master class in their group are not going to be offended if you say no, thanks. It just really doesn't work for me at the moment. Because they will, they move on and fill that slot when you say yes, they're going to be really excited about it. They're going to put more time and more effort into promoting that. It's making sure that people show up. And then when you drop the ball they're the ones that are publicly going to have to weigh the late cancellation, the disappointment. And most likely they're not going to tell their audience. They're not going to publicly go to the audience and go, this person dropped us at the last minute. No, with their audience, they're going to apologize. Fill the gap move on because that's what they do when they serve in their clients. But you can bet that they're like biz BFFs are going to know about it. You can bet that anybody who asks about their knowledge of you or four referrals to you and future, they're going to have something to say about it. So yes. Get all the scripts that will help you say that. No but remember that how you say no is less important than when you say no. A simple, no, thank you. Upfront is so much more powerful than a beautifully scripted. No three days before the thing you committed to.

We all need to say no in our business but the scripts you’re carefully learning are way less important than this part of the no.

Key Takeaway

Saying no is what enables you to reach your goals, that next level and deliver on your promises.

In This Episode

  • The piece of advice I use from corporate
  • Why we think we need scripts to say no effectively
  • What we should focus on instead