How To Create Leverage Without A Group Program Or Course


In business, we are constantly chasing one of two things, more money or more time. I think we can all agree that the myth of balance between these two belongs in 2020, rather. We tend to be seasonal . Either we're in a time of pushing for more money. Maybe we're in a launch. Maybe we have a new offering or we're in a time where we are looking to have more time off and a slightly more relaxed lifestyle to maybe recover a bit from that money push. But it's very rare that we are perfectly balanced between the two. But what if there was something that supported both of those goals, it's supported you making more money and it helped you enjoy your time off more. today I want to chat to you about leverage, but probably not in the way you expect, what does leverage mean to you? I guess in its original form, it meant using a lever to lift a load that you couldn't lift on your own. For me, in banking, it meant using debt to earn more where you could see that returns exceeded costs. Basically leverage increases capacity increases your ability to do something. It's pretty much about doing more with less. In episode 39, I spoke about money flowing to you when your value is perceived as greater than the cash that you're asking for. And the bigger that difference, the foster money will flow. If I offered a Ferrari for sale for a thousand bucks, the differential between the price and the value would mean that money would flow to me. And really quickly I would be bombarded with offers. But if I only have one Ferrari, I don't have the capacity to capitalize on that flow. I need to increase my capacity. Now in the online business space. When we talk about needing to increase capacity, we usually mean being paid by more than one person for the same amount of time. So being able to make more money for the same or fewer hours and thus increasing our earning potential, this can often be in the form of group programs or courses or memberships, but the messaging around all of it is very clear leveraging our time is how you get rich foster. While I see the logic in that. It makes things to me from a numbers perspective, I disagree with time being the thing that we need to leverage time and time again. I have people coming to me telling me they want to start a membership or a course, and time and time again, the reason is leverage, but time and time again, they are leveraging the wrong thing. For example, if you are someone who thrives in a one-to-one relationship, building a membership, or course without that kind of depth of connection is going to drain you. You are not going to serve your clients in the best way that you can. If you all best in front of a group, having a course could lead to mediocre results for your clients because you're teaching into kind of a vacant space. You're not getting that immediate feedback that you crave. If you are a perfectionist, chances are you will exhaust yourself perfecting a course before you make a single cent from it. And if you don't like being the center of attention, being front and center, leading a group will mean extra time spent in over-preparing psyching yourself up and recovering afterwards. time and time again, you have been told as a service provider that you need to create passive income, no matter what you offer or enjoy. And that must have passive income type that someone suggests is usually the one that worked for that person. I know. Look, they happen to be selling a how to program what a coincidence as I always say, initially, the exact same person in the exact same circumstances, and you want the exact same life, simply following somebody. Else's how to model is not going to bring you the greatest result. If you're at capacity right now, and you love what you do, how do you do more with the same or less? If you don't go one of these usual routes instead of leveraging your time, you need to leverage your energy. You need to do more with less energy. Do the things that energize you and not the things that drain you, if you choose the author or business model that works for you, that really lights you up, that makes you enthusiastic. That leaves you pumped. At the end of the day, you will be able to serve better, which means you can charge higher prices, which means you actually need less clients. You'll also be able to do more in your work hours because you won't need to recover. And so that means more clients in that same timeframe, which means more money. by recovery, you know what I mean? When you've done a task and you're like, Ooh, I mean, I need a cup of coffee off to that. Or I'm to need like 30 minutes of Netflix to just reset from that. If you were doing things at work with you and pump you up, instead of draining you, you don't need that half hour of Netflix. If you instead decide to follow the cookie cutter method of leverage and don't at least customize it to your own talents and drivers, you will need to recover more often and for longer. And so that reduces the time you have to be effective at your work, and that means less time off or that you're spending more of that time off just recovering. So avoiding energy drains and especially not building entire business models around them allows you to be at your peak at work and at your peak on your time off. So your first step in leverage is not to add to your to-do list. It's not to add a membership or to add a course or to add a group program. Your first step is to subtract from it. Get real about all the things you do at work and what excites you and what drains you pay attention to what you're doing and how it feels immediately afterwards. So sometimes we have a tendency to look back and think, Oh, actually it wasn't that bad. When really in that moment, it was that bad. Look for what makes you need a coffee break. Look at what you are putting off. Start subtracting those energy leaks and you'll see the impact in your day and in your bank account way faster than building out a membership, or course, if that's even the right next move for you

What if all the advice you’ve been given on leveraging your time is actually making things worse? It’s not you, you’re just not leveraging the right thing.

Key Takeaway

Your first step in leverage is not to add to your to do list but to subtract from it. 

In This Episode

  • What leverage means
  • The usual cookie-cutter approaches to leverage
  • What to do instead for faster results

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