Get It Done In 2021 – Part 3
4 Successful CEOs share their top tip for 2021 in this 10 part series. Hear from Kelsey Chapman, Autumn Witt Boyd, Beck Power, and Amanda Muhammad in the third episode of the series.
Before you start listening to all the tips and tricks and strategies and overwhelm kicks in, work out where your business needs some attention in 2021.
Just answer a couple of questions and get an instant report and then pick and choose the tips and strategies to implement based on your unique business and goals
It could be a lifestyle dream or a business dream. But I encourage you to find someone who's two to three steps ahead of you that will graciously pass along the wisdom they've learned on their own journey. They can help you shortcut the distance to your dreams by sharing everything that's worked for them along the way.
This mentor may be paid or someone that you could serve with a gift or talent you have, but I promise you finding a mentor will help you shortcut the distance to your dreams. It's changed my life and it will change yours as well.
So I suggest that you gather up all the documents you use on a regular basis. Maybe that's your client contract, or if you run a group program or have an online course or digital product. Gather all that stuff together. Give it a quick once through and make sure it actually is still how you're doing business. That it actually still makes sense.
This is also a great time to think about, are you actually getting your contracts signed all the time? Are there maybe some efficiencies that you could find or some ways that you can streamline it? Make it. Easier for the other people you're working with, whether that's independent contractors, clients, customers, if you make it easy for them to sign your contracts, you have a thousand percent higher chance that you will actually get them back signed, which is what you need for them to be legally enforceable.
Go look at your contracts, start getting your legal house in order, and this will help you have a legally strong foundation as you go into 2021.
You can do that by creating content topics, and then saying the same thing in different ways, on different platforms, by having fun and showing your audience a mix of valuable trust-building content and personal behind the scenes content too.
If you can't show up every day, at least look like you have by reusing existing content because let's be honest, we're all saying our own unique 15 main thoughts over and over in different ways. All the things you're saying fit into the same few topic buckets.
Repurposing content is a great way to keep using that content to communicate your message to your audience and for them to absorb it over and over again until they take action.
With the Pomodoro technique, what you're doing is you are prioritizing and then selecting one task, focusing on it for 25 minutes, taking a five minute break, and then jumping back into your task for 25 minutes. You do about four rounds of 25 minutes and taking a five minute break and then take a 25 minute break.
We have to allow our brains to rest and reset to be their most productive selves. So you can use different timers online. And I always love to pair this with music from YouTube.
Keep in mind that we can go a lot further when we can focus on one task at a time. And when we give ourselves an opportunity to take a break.
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The information contained above is provided for information purposes only. The contents of this podcast episode and article are not intended to amount to advice and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article or episode. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. Diane Mayor disclaims all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.