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3 Themes I See On All My Client Calls That You Can Use Right Now


TRANSCRIPT AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED Hey, Hey, so this week I'm going to chat to you about the three themes that I see on nearly every single client call that I think you could go and apply to yourself and your business right now. So normally when I'm on these client calls with people, I'm helping them uncover their superpower and look at what is, and isn't working in their business in line with that superpower so that they can get to their goals from a time perspective and from a money perspective that much more quickly and easily. And the first thing that always comes up is that ideas create. And what I mean, my dad is very often when you're feeling stuck, when you're feeling frustrated, when you can't see a way out having that first idea, having that first new perspective, having that first different point of view. Can create a snowball effect. Usually on the calls. Things may start off slow with me trying to ask lots of questions to dig into what's going on. But once we find that first little tweak in your business, It's like a snowball effect that suddenly goes from the thing that we're talking about to all the different corners of your business. And it kind of like sneaks itself out like a whole bunch of octopus arms, and suddenly you're out of this kind of shell and you can actually see your whole business in a different way. That's great when you're on a call with me, but how do you do this for yourself? My suggestion is always to grab a blank piece of paper. And to just ask yourself if you were starting fresh, what would that look like? What would you do? And just allow yourself to really explore what that looks like. It doesn't mean you have to go and implement any of it, but it's finding that way to get your like business creativity flowing. Because once you see that you can do one little thing in your business, slightly differently, the ideas for what else you could do differently are going to flow that much more easily. The second thing I always see happen on these calls without fail is that everybody has a secret idea about their business. They have a secret thing that they have maybe never told anyone, maybe they've journaled about it. Maybe it just seems so far fetched that they've never voiced it to anyone. And I find that once we unlock your superpower and we can see what it is that you do best suddenly the how of that big idea, that big secret don't tell anyone idea becomes that much more. To figure out. And here's why I think that happens. I think that happens because when we see a lot of entrepreneurs out in the social space, a lot of those entrepreneurs they're incredibly comfortable in front of a camera. They're incredibly comfortable with people. They want to work with loads of people. So a lot of. Tactics that were taught for marketing and delivery are designed to suit that person. Now, that may feel really difficult for you. And what happens is you reflect that back to yourself and that there's something wrong with you instead of thinking that's the wrong solution for me, you think I'm wrong for that solution? And you get so spiraled up in the fact that you conquered the solution to work, that you can't find a different way that will work, that will allow you to pursue this secret idea that you have. So how do you apply this? Look at your big secret idea, because I know you have it. I know it's inside you. It's something that you just like whisper quietly to yourself, and you think, oh, I really wish I could do this. I want you to take that idea and I want you to forget about everything you've been told about how to deliver that. I think a lot of times. Our natural response to an idea is to want to get some kind of external validation for it. And I'm not talking about like market testing or beta testing here. I'm talking about that first person. You say an idea to here's the deal. If they are not the same type of superpower profile as you, they may have a completely different response to that idea. One, they might go off on. It's an amazing idea. And here are the 400 ways that I would do it. None of which might work for you, or they might look at you and be like, that will never work because they could never make it work. So for this one, it's all about introspection. Shut off the outside world about how you're supposed to do everything. Take away social media, take away all the gurus, pretend we're back in like the olden days. And you have access to like a newspaper, right? Or, or a book? No, like 400 households on social media and asked herself if you were the very first person in the world to have this idea, what would you do? What could you do again? You don't have to implement that, but allow yourself to start to think, because once you have that first idea, like we already learned ideas, have momentum and they create other ideas. I, And the third theme that I see in a lot of these calls . Is that people have identified that their life and business are tangled together. Right. I think that's a really fair statement for most small business owners. And we're very aware of the impact that our business has on all. We're very focused on it. We want to reduce that. How is we want to make sure we're paying our bills? We're not in it for the like hustle to our Virginia and dollars. So we're very conscious of what is the impact of businesses having on her life. But most of us forget that actually a life influences our business. When you are outside of your superpower in your life, you're being drained just as much as when you're outside of your superpower in your business. And so when you're hitting that burnout, when you're hitting that exhaustion, when you're hitting that, oh, I just can't go on. How could I possibly make this work? I'm so freaking tired. If you can't see the way forward in your business, if you can't see what could be adjusted in your business, if you can't have that first idea that will create momentum in your business. I want you to turn and look at your life instead. Maybe you don't need to hire a VA. Maybe, what you need to do is send the laundry out. Maybe you need a meal, prepping service. Sometimes it can be a lot easier to spot the things in our lives that you could outsource or delegate or ask for support. I think we're really prone to going, oh my gosh. I'm so busy. I must hire a VA. And for starters, if you haven't done any kind of analysis around that, that's really a bad decision. I've done multiple episodes where we've talked about this with my guests. But in order to have that first idea, that's going to create the momentum for you in order to find that first step in the path to the secret idea that you really want to implement. You need to have some mental capacity. And if you can't find that in your business, then we need to look and see what is it that we could tweak in your lifestyle? So that we create that capacity. So the same way, I always encourage you to think about how much Tommy you spending on things in your business. How do you feel when you're doing those tasks in your business? I want you to think about those things in terms of your life, outside your business as well. What are the tasks or errands or to-do list items that you find incredibly draining? They're usually pretty easy to spot because we want to put them on. Let's see if there's a way that you can free up the energy that you're currently spending, thinking about dreading and finally doing those particular items. So you'll notice that all three of these themes come around creativity. When you are feeling exhausted, burnt out frazzled frustrated I know it feels like there's no way out and that everything is huge and scary and looming over you. But all you need to focus on is finding that first idea and then letting that creativity, snowball from.

When you’re feeling stuck, all it takes is that first idea to get you going again. But that’s easier said than done.

Key Takeaway

Unleashing your business creativity means finding one idea and letting it snowball.

In This Episode

  • Slow starts are nothing to be scared of
  • I know you have a secret
  • Life lessons in business

Ready to create your own business snowball?

Take a quick assessment and immediately receive

  • 35+ page superpower manual
  • 25-minute audio-only workshop so that you can listen on the go.


  • Your superpower and how to use it
  • What to stop, start and continue in your business based on your superpower
  • Your almost-as-super secondary powers and how to use them.
  • Overview of all 8 superpowers so you can start to understand what makes others tick and start to lead or build your team based on theirs​

​And then let's jump on a 30 MINUTE 1:1 CALL to dive deeper into where your superpower is showing up in your business (or where it might be missing) to lead or build your team based on theirs.

Investment $150 (Value $350)


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The information contained above is provided for information purposes only. The contents of this podcast episode and article are not intended to amount to advice and you should not rely on any of the contents of this article or episode. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this article. Diane Mayor disclaims all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this article.